Marketing Makeover
Marketing and innovation produce results and it distinguishes your organization from others.
Here is how we can help:
Develop a Mission Statement: Every organization needs a mission statement that has deep meaning and is something that everyone believes in.
Identify Your Customers: An economic development organization has multiple customers that it must satisfy, requiring different marketing strategies for each.
Leverage Social Media: The purpose is to create fans as fans can become customers. There is a multitude of platforms to accomplish this.
Develop Consistent, Distinctive Content: An organization should have a distinctive voice and identity. Creating trust and developing loyalty is a precondition to creating customers.
Create Stories: People think in terms of a narrative and they remember stories. Every community has stories that inspire.
Website Review: We will review your website and tell you what we like and don't like about it so that your message and identity breaks through all the clutter and noise.